Simple logic

Really. Sometimes I question how phrases come about, and sometimes it is the simple question of a 9-year-old that has me wondering about it all, although I have questioned certain things myself.

Today's puzzling phrase has to do with being blind. Sort of. We were driving home from school, when my curious 9-year-old asked, "How can somebody be driving if they're blind? Like, why are they telling you if they can't drive anyway if they're blind?"

Exactly. Whose bright idea was it to call a driveway blind, anyway? How can a driveway be blind? Because to a thinking child, it appears that the owners of the driveway are blind and why is there a sign informing those of us driving by that they are blind? As if we need to know they can't see.

See what I mean? Surely you understand how the term 'blind driveway' sounds very illogical. If you don't, then you must be blind.

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