Illogical Randoms

Here are some things that I wonder about:

The English language. It is really quirky, don't you think? Seriously, we say things that if you think about it, sound absolutely ridiculous if they are supposed to be logical.

Why do we say 'stand up'? Is there any other way, because you never hear anybody say 'stand down'. What's wrong with just 'stand'? Or is 'stand' supposed to go in the same category as phrases like 'catch up' or hurry up' or 'speak up'? Then again, you never hear anybody say "catch down' or 'hurry down' or 'speak down'. My opinion? 'Up' is uselessly used, at least for these phrases.

If some of our words are derived from another language, then why isn't July September and October August? It just seems logical that September and October would be the 7th and 8th months of the year, respectively.

These spin-off phrases created in the present should really be considered before we officially make them a part of the already confusing English language. Phrases and words like "true dat" and "meh" sound like they are spin-offs from some rap song. Really. True dat? As if saying, 'That's true" is now so terribly old school?

Unfriend just became an official word. That's not so unbelievable, but how come many other words that are prefixed with 'de' are not suddenly prefixed with 'un'. Let's think about that for a moment. Deactivate -- unactivate. Dethaw -- unthaw. Decompose -- uncompose. Hmm. They all sound so utterly ridiculous. And yet, for some reason, saying 'unfriend' works. Still, there are those who will insist that it unworks.

Just look at all the various terms we use for writing these days. No, you can't just say you wrote about something without being specific. It may not have as much merit if you blogged or tweeted something versus wrote or even published your writing.

And how come if you theoretically have a big cloud over your head, you are in a fog of unhappiness, but if you have your head in the clouds, you are euphorically happy?

So, what keeps you unsleeping at night?


  1. Great questions, just not sure I "un" derstand... :-)

  2. very clever glad to see someting written by a thinking person
