My husband faithfully starts a fire for us every wintry morning before he leaves for work. We do what we can to save on heating expenses and utilize our wood stove insert nearly every cold day we endure over the course of what can be a long and arduous winter. Anyway, each morning he empties the ashes from yesterday's fire into a metal bucket. Where he empties the ashes is still a mystery to me, but I suppose it is somewhere outside in the woods. And said bucket is emptied when it is full and it usually takes about 3 days' worth of ashes before it has to be emptied. Until that time, the bucket is carried from the living room to the kitchen and placed on the kitchen table. Why he doesn't keep going out the door past the table and leave it in the garage or outside the back door is a question I ask myself more than once. Then again, it is not the only thing he does that is half-@ss, and I can only chalk this up to one of those tasks.
So. Today I was folding laundry at the table and soon detected an odd smell. Freshly laundered clothes don't usually emit this smell, but I checked them anyway, just to make sure my nose wasn't playing tricks on me. No, they smelled fresh and clean. But what was that peculiar odor? And then, I recognized it and noticed one of the socks from the basket had fallen into this bucket that had been sitting on the table for the past 6 hours. Six hours. Apparently, hot ashes do not cool down after six hours, as you might want to believe. And some soccer socks are quite flammable. See?
Needless to say, dear hubby won't be leaving the bucket of ashes on the table anymore. He doesn't want to be held accountable for burning down the house and I really don't care to have the house burn down. That is all.
You have a husband who actually cleans the ashes out of the wood stove and starts a fire for you every cold morning???!!!! Mom is the one who has to do that at our house if we want a wood fire and want to save on heating costs, but I definitely wouldn't want the bucket of ashes on the kitchen table! I do set ours out on the back porch when I am done cleaning out the ashes. But oh how luxurious it would be to have hubby clean it out and start the fire!!! Found your site when checking out the llbean fraud alert. They have called us twice, once when they caught an unauthorized charge and again today when they detected an unusual but legitimate purchase. They are amazing and quick! Both calls came within an hour or two of the time the purchases in question were made. That is impressive! Have a great day with your kids!