Horticulture 101

Our garden is growing..., with surprises. While I can recognize most of the perennials, having planted them at some point, there are others whose presence I can't explain.

Aside from the regular garden, we have a sort of mini-garden behind your garage. I noticed something growing that I thought was probably a weed, but I purposely waited to pull it, just in case I was wrong. I was happy to be wrong. It turns out what I thought was a weed was actually this beauty:

My Perennial book identifies it as Prairie Fire. I never planted it there and have no idea how it even got there. But it's unique and really pretty!

I have a few of these growing along the edges of the yard and have seen some along the trail.

Weed, right? One would think so, but I found a picture of it in my book, so it's not a weed after all! It is a Verbascum Olympicum, whatever that is and I can't say it's very pretty, either. I think I'll leave those I saw on the trail where they are.

I also found this one on the trail, but couldn't find anything in the book, so perhaps it is a weed. But the flower is pretty and very fragrant, almost like a lilac. Anybody? Rockycat? Any ideas?

And some of my traditional favorites:

Little Pinks. I can't remember the real name for them. But they reseed and spread very easily.

My favorite - blue Delphinium

I love the vibrant color of this one, but its name also escapes me.

If anybody can identify the unknowns, please share!


  1. Sorry, I don't know what those plants are, but those are certainly some pretty pics! I've been thinking of expanding my garden to include some of the "weeds" growing down by the creek - they're prettier than the "cultivated" stuff!

  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    The last is a picture "rose campion". I have it in my garden too. It will reseed and spread easily. If you have lots of the Prairie Fire I'll swap some more rose campion for them. I'd like to expand my garden. Give me a call

