This morning, I noticed the tiniest little dot on Jeffrey's neck. Upon closer inspection, I found that it was, in fact, a tick. So I got out my handy Tick-Off tool (an invaluable device that never fails to work) and despite its size, removed the tick. I already said this Tick-Off tool works. Better than tweezers.
I managed to get it into a tiny ziploc bag, although I have to say it was not at all easy. The size of this thing was smaller than a pinhead. These ticks are actual - 1.4 centimeters. Do you see the little dot just above the number 2 of the ruler in the picture? That's exactly the size of Jeffrey's little buddy. And according to the website, this sized tick is "primarily responsible for the transmission of Lyme Disease to Humans in late Spring and early Summer".
So. I frequently check the site on Jeffrey's neck for any tell-tale signs and am always relieved when there is none. Of course, I am hopeful they were attached to each other for less than 24 hours, in which case there wouldn't be cause for concern. And he may not necessarily contract the disease. But I'll call the doctor tomorrow, who will likely advise me to watch for the bulls-eye mark, which I am already doing. But I am told if you have the tick, it can be checked for the disease. Well, guess who I have?
Meanwhile, Tommy complained over the weekend of achy joints. I dismissed it to his skateboarding activities, which are every-constant. Yesterday, he complained of a migraine-like headache and took Advil. Today after school, he complained of the same symptom, emphasizing that it is the pounding kind and not just the usual headache.
Lyme disease? I hope not. Then again, if I had two in casts at once, it is not at all unlikely that I can have two suffering from Lyme disease. But I really, really hope not.
omg, your life with your crew is always such an adventure. Hope all turns out well this time. By the way, check out my new blog.