Baby, it's cold outside.

A bye weekend! No soccer! No basketball. Oh, wait a minute. Chris has basketball. He missed it last weekend because it conflicted with soccer. I need to go check the schedule. Maybe we missed it.

Game is scheduled for 1:30 PM. Yay. We can still make it.

Anyway, yesterday morning, Jeffrey came to me and said, "Hey mom, what do you know? I can bite my toe."

To which I replied, "Hey Jeff, what do you know? Last night it once again snowed." I had already checked the school cancellations and thankfully, Londonderry had a 90 minute delay. No 4-day weekend for the kids to enjoy!

So it snowed and then it rained and then it snowed and then it sleeted and then it rained. I cleared the skating rink driveway with the Zamboni snowthrower so the boys could skate while they waited for the bus.

I was still smoothing out the surface when my neighbor returned with a cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee that was never more appreciated. We have some really great neighbors.

Eventually, the sun came out and melted the thin layer of ice and the skating rink turned back into a driveway, so I had no excuse not to keep with my plans and go buy balloons and flowers for one of Joey's teachers at school who is celebrating a birthday today. I told Joey I would pick him up anyway because he was Star of the Week and I needed to bring his poster home.

Each week, his teacher assigns a student as Star of the Week where they get to bring in a poster about themselves, a special snack mid-week and a special show-and-share item at the end. Christopher had her two years ago and I was so impressed with her teaching style that I requested her for Joey as well. Jeffrey will have her in two years when he's in Kindergarten. She even teaches the kids sign language! And she's a huge Patriots fan. What more can I say? She's the one on the right in the photo, and the birthday gal is on the left with the little Star holding his poster in the middle.

Well, I need to write up my grocery list and go food shopping. After I get my chores done, I'll be sitting by the warm and cozy fire working on my puzzle or reading my book. Because baby, it's cold outside. My mom used to always sing that to us on winter mornings when it was especially hard to get up and get ready for school. As if that would make it any easier!

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