Still, 2010 has to count for something, so let's see what we can come up with.
Oh, hello 2010! Let's hope it's going to be a great year!
Well, it came and went without much notice and we welcomed February.
I have nothing, sorry.
March is always a welcome month because spring is so close and after a long and seemingly endless winter, spring is very much anticipated. My birthday is on the 3rd but really, it's just another day closer to spring. The best thing that happened this month was getting to see Martina McBride in concert. Of course, the day of the concert was basically a monsoon, but my friend and her daughter and I still spent the afternoon waiting for Martina's tweet that would give us a clue as to where the front row tickets to the concert were hidden. Totally worth it, because yeah, we found them.
Again, nothing to write home about this month.
This is the month my cup started filling up with tears. But I'm not allowed to write about it, so I'll just leave it at that.
Oh, we took our family vacation after a respite of a few years to Myrtle Beach to visit my parents. The boys had fun and the weather was great and yeah, it was a good time.
August. This is the month my cup started overflowing with tears. Lauren has left a hole in my heart that I know will never be filled because nearly 5 months have passed and it is not getting any smaller. Time may help keep the cup from overflowing, but it will never fill that space with her gone from this life.
Sammie joined the family.
I know, I know. I am supposed to highlight the good things that happened this year. Okay, let me think.
Does the fact that all four boys attend school full days count as something good?
The leaves started to fall. Well, they really started to fall last month, but they started to fall A LOT this month.
Oh, wait! I remember something! We started to redo our kitchen and bathroom!
The kitchen finally got completed, mostly, save for the toe kicks that we are still waiting to be installed. But if you don't look down, you don't notice and the kitchen otherwise is functional and awesome and pretty. See?
I went to visit my sister and her family for Thanksgiving. I missed my boys but am so glad I went and got to spend time with my niece and nephews and sister and brother-in-law and some of their friends.
Christmas came and went and now we wait for the new year.
The end. How was your year?
Each year, your family happy and enjoy good health and I ask God to be As loving of each year
ReplyDeleteHola! Mi año no fue muy bueno, sobre todo por que aquí, en Chile, lo partimos mal. Primero, el 27 de febrero nos despertamos en la madrugada con un terremoto grado 8,5 en la capital del país. Al menos en la parte donde vivo yo, no ocurrio nada grave. Luego de eso, los mineros atrapados en Copiapó. Pero, por algo las cosas suceden.
ReplyDeleteMe gusto mucho su blog, de verdad es lindo ver una familia linda.