
I was asked this afternoon by my eldest son, "What's a period?"

After I asked him where he heard it, I was struck how just the other day, a friend of mine was inquiring about whether or not we had had "the talk", as she has a son the same age. If I want to, I can even convince myself that she had something to do with jinxing the whole concept so that it would be brought up now rather than later. Thanks, Irene.

So, I was preparing dinner and the young'uns were nearby, so I told him it was a punctuation at the end of a sentence, of course, and that I'd discuss it with him later in private. Then when G got home, I told him what Tommy had asked me and that he was at that age and that G should probably talk to him. He laughed, although he also asked where Tommy had heard it. TV, a commercial about tampons, take your pick.

So I made a deal with him. I told him if he had the talk with the boys, I'd gladly have it with the girls. I think that's fair, don't you?


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I think I know where that ? came from....there's a commercial on TV about girls in poor countries that miss school b/c of their periods. I got the same question from Kyle last week (:-O) Not a topic I wanted to discuss w/ him. I like your idea for G to explain it.

  2. In the car the other night, Henry asked what's inside testicles. His father matter-of-factly stated, "seeds that make babies." Thanks for opening Pandora's box, agile monkey. -Irene

  3. Clever girl, K!!! Ali
