ABCs and 1, 2, 3s

Well, this turned out to be a good thing since I am so busy with so many different things that writing it all down would bore you to tears, so Rockycat memed me this letter thingy.

In her exact words:

This is the ABC's Meme. Here are the instructions: Each player starts with some random facts/habits about himself/herself. As you are tagged you need to post the rules and your responses on your own blog. At the end of your post, you need to choose some people to tag, list their names and, of course, leave them a comment, telling they have been tagged and they need to read your blog for more information.

A ~ Almost starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I am. Life after babies and toddlers. It looks so promising.

B ~ Well, gee. That's a real tough one. BOYS. FOUR OF THEM. Me, I'm the mom.

C ~ Calmness. I find it when I sleep mostly.

D ~ Dogs. I miss Mousse and Koda Blue, our beloved labs. I want another Dog.

E ~ The last name (Elias) I was glad to get rid of when I got married. Blech!

F ~ Family. I am thankful for mine. Even the ones I don't necessarily like.

G ~ God. I pray every day that my oldest son finds Him in his heart because I know he will be so much more happier.

H ~ Even when he's mad at me, my husband still calls me 'Honey'.

I ~ Invisible. Sometimes I wish I was invisible.

J ~ Joey and Jeffrey. They make up part of the B meme.

K ~ Kerri. That's my name. Karen. Kristen. My sisters.

L ~ Lynne. That would be my middle name!

M ~ Marker. Jeffrey decorated the steering wheel of my van with black marker. I get to appreciate it every time I get behind the wheel.

N ~ Never. I will never have a daughter, but never say never!

O ~ Oopsie. That's what Jeffrey says when he makes a mistake. Ow. That's what I said when I slammed my index finger in the van door last February. That finger is now permanently disfigured.

P ~ President of the PTA! Yay! That's me! Don't believe me? See for yourself.

Q ~ Quiet. A rare sound in this house!

R ~ Real. All of these facts are REAL!

S ~ SNOOPY!!!!!!!!!!

T ~ Tommy. Let's just leave it at that.

U ~ Umbrella. Or, 'umblella' as Jeffrey would say.

V ~ Veal cutlets. My grandmother made the best veal cutlets and I miss them. And her.

W ~ Wattamelon Role! Hellooo!?

X ~ Xanadu. Olivia Newton John. It's all I could come up with!

Y ~ You. I wonder how many of you will read this.

Z ~ I always felt bad for kids whose last name started with the letter Z because they were always at the end of the line or last!

And there you have it. Who else wants to play? Irene seems very busy these days since she hasn't checked in since way back in August, but maybe she'll rejoin us all in Blogworld. The Dad is just recovering from Kathryn's unexpected surprise and he needs to get back into his daily routine to consider taking time to play Meme with us. Jennifer tagged Rockycat, so she already played. Maybe Squeaker's dad will play. Maybe.


  1. Thanks for playing along!

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    FOUR BOYS?! Methinks you need a weekend away at a spa somewhere - LOL.

    My middle name is Lynn, too, just like yours, only without the e on the end :)
