Thank you for your patience while the company finalizes its restructuring of departments. While transitions such as these can be difficult, I am happy to report that we can resume regular operations effective immediately. There are still some departments that have yet to finalize their rephasing, with construction pending the completion of unforeseen circumstances. However, all fires have been put out and with an abundant supply of sand nearby to dowse flames that could still crop up from crosswinds, I see no reason to withhold information and thus am sending this memo to update you all on the status of each of our departments. While this is an open memo, please respect confidential issues and keep them within walls of this fine establishment. Your anticipated cooperation is always appreciated and is one of the main reasons I sign your paycheck. Reviews are also fast approaching. Please keep these in mind when you are tempted to leak confidential information with outside sources.
I have asked the managers to give me updates for their departments and will paraphrase with brief outlines for each. Thank you, managers, for your prompt response to my request for this information.
Charlie Brown heads up the finance department. While we are far from being in the red, he is wary of the bottom line number due to recent unexpected expenses. As many of you already know, the well pump required recent inspection due to constant tripping on reset. While the pump has another year under full warranty, careful inspection upon exhumption revealed the
technicality not with said device, but with the wire components.

Charlie has noted one week later that the problem still exists and it obviously is not something we can ignore, so we will call in the plumbers to review their work. While we don't anticipate fees for this service, we cannot make positive assumptions until the device can be retested. In the meantime, Charlie does want to thank all of you for your understanding in dealing with the heavily chlorinated water and you should start to notice a decline by now. And it is much more pleasing to have you all carry a scent of chlorine than something less pleasant. Charlie will insist that the well not be chlorinated again should they need to pull the pump again.

On a side note, a repairman is expected to arrive today to service the dryer, which recently lost its ability to blow hot air, among other things. The unseasonably warm weather has saved us from having to utilize an outside source in the interim, but there will be a cost to repair this appliance.
Finally, our company vehicle is in serious disrepair. As you know, we had a disgruntled employee vandalize the vehicle on more than one occasion.

In the landscaping department, Linus has had to temporarily put a hold on the stone wall opposite the complete one at the top of driveway due to an insufficient supply of blue stones.

The pool is still open, but it is not open for swimming. Again, time constraints have contributed to its open status and it will be closed down for the winter very soon. Please, no matter how hot you get, refrain from using it, as the water is not clean and we are only running the filter to minimize efforts during the closing process.
The garden is well past its peak, but please also refrain from stomping through the beds to allow the plants to go dormant and bloom again next year. The frogs and toads in the pond should not be handled, as they need to go to their resting place to hibernate during the upcoming winter months.

Lucy has been very busy in the recreation department, as it is the height of soccer season. Despite the mud-slinging and overfilled rosters, she has been able to accommodate all 273 players on the U8 league. While there is excessive petty drama taking place between the President and one of the other coordinators, we ask that you keep to your own and let them work out their differences so that we may improve the organization and prepare for next year.

Lucy also takes care of the PTA departments in two of the educational facilities here in town. This year, she was asked to head up the advertising for the newsletter of Matthew Thornton and has gone above and beyond what was expected and has brought in new sponsors and saved the facility money in its publishing of their newsletter. Way to go, Lucy!
If that wasn't enough, at last night's first meeting at Moose Hill, she was unanimously elected President, vacating the Vice-presidential space she filled last year. Marcy has been appointed to this vacated position, and with a new Secretary and Schroeder staying on as Treasurer, the Executive Board is sure become a legacy long after all have moved on in future endeavors. The director of this facility has never been known to smile so much, as it is clear she will have less hand-holding to have to do with the experience this board brings with them.
Over in the religious education department, Lucy has offered to serve as an aide for one of the Sunday afternoon classes. This will be her third year helping in the department, leaving the lead teaching to somebody else. Unfortunately, although she doesn't agree with the style of the teacher with whom she has been assigned, she is doing her best to show a positive attitude with the class and keep from sending them negative messages through body language, which can sometimes speak louder than words themselves. The teacher is blase and boring, but she will do her best to sneak in interesting crafts when she can to save them from dying of boredom and without offending the teacher herself. If you are part of this class, please try not to look as bored as Lucy may and if you have to, take caffeine before coming to class.
Some of you might have noticed some members of the company taking advantage of our internship program. While all the spots have been filled for this year, you might actually find that you are benefiting as well because the three members chosen to participate help the company run more smoothly when they go off site to their internships, which allows you to get your work done in a more productive manner and to minimize conflicts between your coworkers. One of the members can only do a half-day internship, but I was promised he would participate full days starting next September. And that there may be a part-time internship for Pigpen to become involved three afternoons each week. Doesn't that sound like music to your ears? As CEO, I do my best to make these executive decisions out of the company's best interest, which obviously affects your work performance which affects the bottom line profit, which we always like to see is more than the delta.
We are sorry to have to make cuts in the daycare department, but it had become obvious that even one extra employee being here for less than 4 hours each day was becoming more work than it was worth. Little Sally has joined another facility, where she will go three days a week and temp at a sister company down the road for the other two. We have made arrangements with the sister company to have her work for us here whenever we might need her, or when the sister company has a conflict and can't accommodate her. Lucy has enough on her plate and really needs to concentrate in these areas without unnecessary distractions. It was long time for a change and even I had to push Lucy to take action before it started to negatively impact her work performance in all the other departments she oversees.
Well, that's your peek into our company's current status. Without you, we wouldn't be where we are today, and you are invaluable to its success. Thank you for all that you do and keep up the good work!
Chief Executive Officer of Stanley'sMilestones
Clever. Very clever. =)
ReplyDeleteYou are so going to make this a book. Witty, Kerri. Love it.