Lightning Strikes

This afternoon, we had a wicked thunder storm. It was smack in the middle of the day, rare for these parts, and lasted quite a long time. Thunder boomed loud and lightning flashed, lighting up the gray sky.

Christopher and Tommy were at school, but Joey, Jeffrey and I were home, having just gotten in from our errand and beating the clock before the skies opened up. Joey was watching the rain fall outside my bedroom window, while Jeffrey and I sat on the bed. Beside the window is the television, on which sets its stand, in which is housed the VCR.

Who really cares? you ask. I do. Because you see, in this house, we haven't quite caught up with technology and the latest and greatest gadgets. I have yet to TiVo a show; I have been faithfully making use of the VCR, continuously taping shows to watch later on.

Like last night. The boys wanted to watch Little People, but the season finale of House was on and since I missed it last week, I taped it last night, followed by Hell's Kitchen, because Big Medicine looked interesting to watch. Normally, I don't worry about season finales because they have since passed and I either already saw them or even better, caught up with them online.

But anyway, there we were, watching the rain, when suddenly there was a spark and zapping sound. And right before my disbelieving eyes, the VCR clock faded out. Just like that. It got electrocuted. The television was not on, or perhaps it would have met the same fate, but good grief, I have shows left unwatched and a dead VCR in the televion stand.

So, what's the TiVo all about? Should I welcome it into the home or reinvest in a dinosaur. Or get a life?


  1. Tivo is the way to go. No going back once you experience the convenience of a digital recorder that will think for you!!

  2. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Personally, I like my vcr. I love movies and they are so cheap now! It's great.
