Eleven years and still counting...

We don't like to make a big deal about our anniversary, and today was no different than the last ten. Well, except for last year, when, because it was our 10th and since we never took a real honeymoon, we booked one night at the Hilton at Daytona Beach while on vacation visiting my sister and her family who were gracious enough to keep the boys for us.

G had the day off from work today and we took the boys to Canobie. Sporadic thunder storms forced us to leave earlier than anticipated, but the boys still got a good day's worth of fun.

Here's to another year. It is hard to believe how fast the years seem to go by and all we have been through. I never would have imagined I'd have 4 boys and have accomplished all the things I have which had such great impact on me intellectually, emotionally, physically. And those growing pains never end and I can't wait to see what is ahead for us.

And yes, for what it's worth, I can still fit into my wedding gown.

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