
Everybody is trying to go green these days. Our schools are sending notices via e–mail, water bottle companies are changing the shape of their bottles to have less impact on landfills. Personally, we make every effort to recyle at our house by recycling cardboard boxes and newspapers, bottles and cans. I have no problem going to thrift stores in search of the preshrunk perfect fitting jeans or shorts and even high thread count sheets that are otherwise beyond my budget in retail stores. I gratefully accept hand-me-down gently used clothing for not only me, but for the boys and pass down what I can to the next one in line, maximizing the use of every piece of clothing that I can.

And then there is this. It does give recyling an entirely new meaning, wouldn't you say? I just can't bring myself to try it, no matter how comfortable it looks on this redneck chick.

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