Here's to the decade

For exactly 10 years ago today, I gave birth to my first child. He arrived two weeks early and weighing nearly 8-1/2 lbs. Looking back, I never would have imagined what today would be like, or that I would have even birthed 3 more children after him.

Since his preschool years, he always seemed wise beyond his years. I would always tell people he's 2 going on 12 or 5 going on 15. Now, you'll hear he's 10 going on 20. Challenging? You could say that. And then some. I pray for more calm and peace in the next decade. Because he so owes it to me.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    He does not owe you anything. You owe it to him to figure out a better way of parenting, afterall you did bring him into the world. There are books upon books out there that could help as well as literature on the internet. A good book to read is "How to talk to kids so that they'll listen, and listen so that they'll talk." Children can be difficult but when we have them, we made the choice that we would be the best that we could in order to give them the best opportunities in life. Difficult, yes, but it's not his fault, you are the parent.

  2. I often wonder why people who leave comments like these choose to hide behind their anonymity. And if they all see things as only black and white.

    Don't be so quick to judge when you haven't walked in my shoes.
