Bribery is a useful tool when you need it.

Every year around this time, I gather the boys together for a Christmas photo. If the challenge in getting them all to look and smile spontaneously wasn't enough, each passing year got harder, simply because one didn't want his picture taken or one was whining or one didn't want to wear this shirt or those jeans.

But I manage to pull it off, barely. Among the small selection I inevitably wind up with, one is declared decent enough to share with family and friends. But you can't even begin to imagine the bribery it takes me to get that one photo that meets my approval. This year, two promises had to be made in order to get them all to gather together and smile. Playdates and money. Money and playdates. Tommy and Joey wanted a playdate with a friend, while Christopher opted for cold hard cash.

Tommy has a friend over and Joey is waiting for his to call back. And Christopher is waiting for me to hand over the money.

Really, I am winning this battle. They probably would have had friends over anyway, so I could get my tasks done (baking, cleaning), and the money going to Christopher is that which he found that I didn't even know I had. And he earned it. His report card says so.

Here is a peek at a couple of photos. None is the one chosen for the Christmas card. Enjoy!

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