I especially like the spider and bed and snake ('snac' - bottom center). So all of these things are nouns: sun, flag, tree, rain cloud, plate ('plat'), crown, cloud, basketball, cross ('cros'), ball, dime, Chris (self-portrait), penny, nickel, stick, bed, pass sticker ('pas sticer'), fire, crayon, fish, circle ('circl'), house ('hous'), watermelon, lilly pad ('lilipad'), snake ('snac'), boat, cactus, apple

Here are pictures of a dollar, spoon ('spon'), Red Sox (!!!), paw's hand ('pos hand'), soccer ('soocker'), star ('stare'), tent, dog, cat, fork ('forc'), orange ('orang'), worm, football ('fotball'), moon ('mon'), wood ('wode'), leaf, mountain, bat, Kyle ('Kile'), fly, book, frog, heart, hand, arm, grass, water. That cat is just priceless. Look at those claws!
I know we will all have a good laugh when we pull this out of his box of report cards and extra special projects when he's in high school!
How adorable - make sure you keep those drawings - so precious. And don't feel too bad, no one reads my blog either. =)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by, Kitty. Interesting blog you have...