Wattamelon Role withdrawal

Well, it happened. And much too soon, I might add. I am now in a very serious predicament.

I opened my last carton of Friendly's Wattamelon Roll. I had purchased a case back at the end of the summer, hoping my stash would get me through the long winter months until I could again purchase it at my local grocery store or restaurant. Sadly, I was mistaken.

I have purposely avoided its tempting indulgence because I am too cowardly to face the day when I take the last bite with the realization that I can't have it again until the spring. Still, I know people in high places; I figured I could use my personal status to bend the rules a little.

So I called the manager at the nearest Friendly's with my plight. Could he find it in his heart to call upon the manufacturer to ship a case for me to purchase? Because I'd be truly happy to purchase the entire case if that was required. This manager, he was just so nice. So friendly. He took my name and number with the promise to look into it and call me back.

Less than 15 minutes later, he was returning my call. Did I mention how very helpful and friendly he was? Anyway, they stopped making the Wattamelon Roll in October, and apparently won't be making them again until the spring. Hence the fact that it is only available during the spring and summer and early fall. But he would be more than happy to shoot an e-mail to the ten other restaurants in the state to see if any happened to have leftovers in their freezers and if so, he would arrange for a transfer for them to his store where I could simultaneously purchase them and satisfy my craving and squelch the withdrawals, which by then will probably be very evident: tremors, dizziness, drooling at the mouth.

That was Friday and he said to call him on Monday. That's today. Don't think I didn't call him, and I was even gracious enough to wait until mid-afternoon so I wasn't bothering him during the lunch crunch hours.

He only heard back from one restaurant and of course, they had long since sold out. But, good news! He was visiting a few others later today and would personally check their inventory and arrange for a transfer if he found any. I should call him back tomorrow afternoon with an update.

Oh, God please, please, PLEASE let there be a spare Wattamelon Roll out there at one of those restaurants!

And don't tell me to get the half gallon of Watermelon Sherbert they sell which is available year-round. I don't settle and it doesn't hold a candle to the Wattamelon Roll with lemon lime sherbert and chocolate chip pieces.


  1. Anonymous9:45 PM

    What about attempting your own homemade version by combining the watermelon sherbet with the lemon lime & adding your own chocolate chips? I know it won't be exactly the same, but wouldn't it be better than the alternative (that being serious withdrawl) until springtime...? Just a thought!

  2. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I came across your post today while google searching for images of WattaMelons... and this made me laugh, because I was just about to write THE SAME blog!
    You can read it here!
    Take care, Dana, 28, NY
