Some recent funnys:
I recently had some slipcovers made for the arms of my sofas to salvage what I could of the original fabric that has, over time, changed from a light beige to that of darker tone. I'm constantly adjusting the slipcovers to stay in place. The other day, Jeffrey was climbing up onto the sofa and he knocked one of the slipcovers onto the floor. He picked it up and tossed it in my direction. "Mama, here's your armpit."
Another Jeffrey moment: A couple of months ago, Jeffrey became fascinated with his lips. I know, you're wondering in what way. I guess perhaps in the same way kids get attached to their thumbs in an oral comforting kind of way. So Jeffrey would, absentmindedly, pucker up his lips and then trace them with his finger. I found it to be odd and innocently cute, but as I should have suspected, it got worse. Now Jeffrey constantly picks at his lips. I don't wonder from which parent he got that obsessive trait! Still, it is difficult to nip it in the bud. He isn't even aware that he's doing it, which is the telltale sign that it has turned into a habit that will surely be hard to break.
When he's in my lap or nearby, I gently take hold of his hands to keep him from picking and blistering his lips more than they already are. The Chapstick is always nearby, but a slow healing element when it is manually being removed once applied. Yesterday, on two occasions, I told him, for the hundredth time, that he's just making it worse and that he needed to live his lips alone. "I was just picking something off," he told me.
Right. Your skin!!
Vitamin E caplets might help. At least if he's rubbing and picking at his lips, he would be helping the healing process. And the sticky substance hopefully will deter him from wanting to do it more and he'll be cured of the habit? Giving the opportunity to start another one?
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