All I want for Christmas...

My sister sent me an e-mail with two of her children's Christmas lists. For a good laugh. Which I got. Laughter is contagious, and worth sharing with you. The comments in parentheses are my sister's, but I was thinking the same thing as I read each item! Daniel is almost 7 and Lauren is 9.

"Christmas presents" (It's amazing he spelled these two words correctly!)
"k'nex" (K'Nex)
"mokentrole car" (remote control car--is there any hope for his spelling??)
"star wars legose" (Star Wars Legos)
"hair gell" (hair gel) HA HA HA!
"cell phone" (HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! RIGHT!!!)

"Christmas Wish List"
"Rock Polishing Kit"
"Laptop" (HA!!)
"Cell Phone" (DITTO!!)
"Nail Polish"
"Makeup (light or natural)" (HUH?? light or natural?? Is there such a thing??)
"Hair Scrunchies"
"Barretes (thick)"
"Stained Glass Window pictures (glass)"
"New Room (away from my Messy sister)" (Ha ha ha!)
"Anything else I like" (Yeah, don't we all wish...)

My niece Lauren is a girl after my own heart. I'd love a laptop and a new cell phone and a new room, too. And anything else I like.

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