Seasonal Turnover

Oh, relax, I'm still here. You should know that when you're having something as simple as putting a pool in, you have to stay on top of them to keep their schedules or it would very well be the end of the season before the darn thing is up and ready for a swim. So it's finally up. And even if the calendar says it's still summer, the weather does not. I had to visit the attic today to bring down the start of my fall/winter wardrobe. I wore jeans yesterday and today. Today I wore a sweatshirt! I couldn't imaging putting on shorts and a short-sleeve shirt. Feels like fall. Windows are closed, at least for the time being. While I don't expect another heat wave within the next month, I am hopeful for a few Indian summer days. Or that pool will not see the bottom of my feet until next summer.

Today when I went grocery shopping, there were 11 cartons of Friendly's Wattamelon Role in the freezer. I bought 10 of them. I could have taken the last one, but surely there has to be somebody else out there who enjoys it almost as much as I do, and I wanted to give that person the satisfaction and joy of finding the lone carton and snatching it up, because the store surely will not be getting anymore deliveries of this 'summer' treat. And I probably will still have to call the nearest Friendly's restaurant to ask them to get me a case while they can still order them, because 10 will only get me through the remainder of 2006, if I'm lucky and if I ration it to last that long.

The boys start school in four more days. Finally. Two of them will be gone ALL DAY. All day. And then there will be 3 afternoons when Joey will be gone for a few hours, too. I can hardly believe they are old enough to go out into the great big world and I will be left with just Jeffrey, who can easily give me as much work as 2 precocious little boys. Still, I can hardly contain my excitement. Of course, I am trying to refrain from doing cartwheels or the poor little fellows will surely feel saddened and hurt that their mom could be that happy to see them off to school. But I will be grinning ear to ear, waving happily as they board the bus on the first day of school. And then I will skip and maybe even do somersaults all the way down the driveway back to the house.


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    10 watermelon rolls?? I hope they get you thru til next summer...I of course live with perpetual summer--but I haven't found a Friendly's here yet! I am at work and checking out your blog, I love reading your stories! I know I don't write often enough, but I think of you guys all the time!
    thanks for the fun readings on those unfrequent easy nights!!
    Love ya, SALLY

  2. Anonymous9:24 PM

    10 Roles = 10 Rolls. Ha ha ha! (I know--I'm so mean. You really are ADDICTED to that stuff though!) I guess you can work them all off doing those cartwheels and somersaults up and down your driveway every day when the boys go to school. :)
