Glub, glub, glub

Enough, already with the rain! Day 6 and counting, with no end in sight. Here are photos of what looks like a stream. Yeah, they are photos of the path that leads to the trail adjacent to our house. A path! Get me a row boat and a couple of oars. The swamp must look like a giant lake by now. I'll donn my galoshes and go take a look. Send the rescue team if I'm not back in a day. They should just head in the direction that the path -- er -- stream goes and hopefully I'll be hanging on to some branch of a fallen tree, if not swimming with the fish.

At least the kids won't have to suffer another day of boredom tomorrow. The poor little darlings are going stir crazy being cooped up inside. But it's back to school tomorrow, and I'm sure they are eager to go.

Oh, wait a minute. There IS no school! Yeah, school is cancelled. The buses can't possibly get through the water-logged roads. So the kids will have to suffer another day at home. Dust off the sleds and enjoy a snow day. Well, not a snow day, per se, but a rain day. I guess.

Give me a couple of needles. It will be less painful sticking them in my eyes than to have to stare at these four walls another day with four restless boys. I guarantee you, they'll be fighting over who stairs at what wall. Maybe I'll just send them rowing down the stream.

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