Moving On

We are feeling a sense of normalcy, finally, after a week of everything that is involved in burying a loved one. As sad an occasion that it is, if there is any good to be seen out of this, it is that it temporarily brought the family together. It was the first time in three years that my three sisters, mother and I were together in the same room and the first time in a long time that some of us got to see extended family members. Death can truly bring out the best in us, in the appreciation of having each other and the realization of how precious life is. But it can also bring out of us what we don't intend for others to see, or feelings we didn't realize we had. We lose sight of why we are all there at all, and although some of us may have a clear view of it, others never even realize what they have. But I don't doubt that we are any different from other families. And I am not here to rain on the family name. We are resuming our lives without our husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend. If we simply cannot find peace in conflict, at least we know he has found peace at last.

I am thankful for everything I have, for my sisters, my family, my friends. I am thankful for the memories of my grandfather. I am thankful for sunny days. I am thankful for flowers and butterflies. I am thankful I have the ability to realize forgiveness. It makes the days that much more sunnier, the flowers that much more beautiful, the butterflies that many more in view.

I wrote this for you, Gramps. I'll see you again someday.

Our hearts know in deep silence
The best kept dreams they behold
Of a distant place and time
Where we are sheltered from the cold

When the past wasn’t just yesterday
Not feeling the pain of losing you
We recall them with laughter and tears
These dreams that have already come true

You have gone on to that place of grace
Where your soul has been set free
Even though we will miss your smile
In our hearts you will forever be

So during these moments in silence
When our dreams dare to take flight
We feel blessed to have had your presence
In our lives you have made so bright

In memory of our husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend
Ralph R. Simone, Sr.

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