Goodbye, Winter. Hello, Friendly's Wattamelon Role!

At last the day arrived. A day long anticipated during the seemingly endless winter. I went to the grocery store freezer to retrieve yet another half gallon of Friendly's Watermelon Sherbert, the next best thing to tide me over until the real thing became available. I could have it for $4.69. I had one in my hand. But somehow, I just couldn't justify spending $4.69 to satisfy this crazy passion of mine.

I put it back, let the freezer door close behind me. I had a couple of spoonfuls left in the half gallon at home. I'd surely run out, but I'll just have to go a few days without my fix. It won't kill me. I'd only suffer a little.

I pushed the carte further down the aisle to where the ice cream rolls and cakes were. Christopher's birthday is approaching, and I needed a couple of cakes. One for tomorrow and one small one to have on his actual birthday, which is Tuesday. And there, next to the cakes, was what I have been waiting for all winter long. Friendly's Wattamelon Role. It is one of their 'seasonal' items, available spring through the end of summer. My winter stock had long since been eaten. I have a freezer for extra frozen food storage, but I'm lucky to be able to store a case of them in there besides the few I can jam into the refrigerator freezer. There are 8 rolls in a case. I always purchase them ahead of time. This year, I ran out in December. Not difficult to do when you are consuming one roll per week, give or take.

Anyway, I put three in my carte. I had two coupons for $1.50 off for each and noticed at the check-out that they had expired on March 31. For the price to support this addiction of mine, $3 can go a long way, so I put the coupons at the bottom of the few I had and hoped the cashier wouldn't notice. She scanned them through without incident.

Tonight I'll be enjoying not just the Watermelon Sherbert, but the actual Wattamelon ROLE! All summer long! It's a great day. I love Friendly's, even though I don't agree with their policy on selling what is a truly great combination of sherberts and chocolate chips for less than 6 months out of the year.


  1. You are a true addict. Perhaps you should seek some help!

  2. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Oh, I know how happy they make you! I think you consumed a container a week when we were working nights!
